Friday, March 1, 2024

What is the max dataset size a Power BI can handle

Consuming data from public websites and integrating it into Power BI involves a few steps, typically using Power BI's web scraping capabilities or leveraging other methods such as APIs or data connectors. Here's a general process:

  1. Identify the Data Source:
    • Determine which website(s) you want to scrape data from.
    • Ensure that the website allows web scraping or provides an API for accessing the data.
  2. Web Scraping with Power BI:
    • Power BI has a built-in web scraping feature that allows you to extract data from HTML tables on web pages.
    • In Power BI Desktop, you can use the "Get Data" option and select "Web" as the data source.
    • Enter the URL of the webpage containing the data you want to scrape.
    • Power BI will analyze the page structure and provide a preview of the data it can extract.
    • You can then select the specific tables or elements you want to import into Power BI.
  3. API Integration:
    • If the website provides an API for accessing data, you can use Power BI's native connectors or custom connectors to connect to the API.
    • In Power BI Desktop, use the "Get Data" option and select the appropriate API connector (e.g., Web API, REST API, JSON, etc.).
    • Enter the API endpoint URL and any required authentication credentials.
    • Power BI will retrieve data from the API and allow you to transform and visualize it within your reports.
  4. Data Connectors:
    • Power BI offers a wide range of data connectors for integrating with various data sources.
    • Check if there is a specific connector available for the website you want to pull data from.
    • If a connector is available, you can use it to establish a connection and import data directly into Power BI.
  5. Data Transformation:
    • Once you've imported the data into Power BI, you may need to perform data transformation and cleansing to prepare it for analysis.
    • Power BI provides a range of transformation tools and functions for cleaning, shaping, and modeling your data.
  6. Schedule Data Refresh (Optional):
    • If you want to keep your Power BI reports up-to-date with the latest data from the website, you can schedule a data refresh.
    • Configure a refresh schedule in the Power BI service to periodically retrieve and update the data.
  7. Build Visualizations and Reports:
    • With the data imported into Power BI, you can now create visualizations, dashboards, and reports to analyze and present the information.

By following these steps, you can effectively consume data from public websites and integrate it into Power BI for analysis and reporting. Make sure to respect the terms of service and data usage policies of the websites you're scraping data from, and be mindful of any rate limits or access restrictions they may impose.


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