1. Background
The purpose of this article is to describe how to create
a report using Excel as a data source for the report. We are going to use ODBC
provider for excel to get the data for the reports.
2. Step by Step procedure to create Excel as Data source for Report:
Open the Reporting services
solution in BIDS/SQL Server Data Tools and
Go to Shared Data Sources folder then Right click and click on Add New Dataset
It will start Data Source
Wizard, give the name of Data Source , give Type as ODBC and Click on Edit to create connection string for
the Excel:
Once you click on Edit, It
will open Connection property Window, select use connection string and click on Build.
Go to File Data Source and go to the location of the source excel file by
using browse button in Look in:
Click ok. It will create the
connection string for the excel
Click ok and your dataset
for excel source has been created.
In the credential window,
select the credential type as per your requirement. Here I have selected
Windows Integrity security:
Now right click on Shared
Dataset and click on New Dataset:
Give the name of Dataset and select Data
source as ExcelDataSource that we
have just created. Write the query for the excel:
Note : Check the sheet name in the excel before writing queries
Note : Check the sheet name in the excel before writing queries
3. Steps to create report
Now create a report and map this newly
created dataset “ExcelDataSet” to the
Add a tablix to the report layout and map the
fields from the attached dataset.
Do formatting as per your requirement and run
the report. Below is the resultant report:
By using the above steps, we can create SSRS report using excel as data
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