1. Background
purpose of this document is to describe how to create connection string for OLE
DB provider and SQL Server native clients. Connection string is used to
establish connection with the data source. It is simple string which normally
contains source server, source database, source file path and authentication
information. Connection string can be utilized in various configuration files
and connection managers. Below is the sample example of connection string that
connects to SQL Server database with integrated authentication.
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1; Integrated
Security=SSPI; Persist Security Info=False; Initial Catalog=BI_Reporting; Data
2. Steps to create connection string using Notepad:
i. Open Notepad and save the blank file in .UDL extension.
ii. After saving the file in .UDL file format, File icon will
looks like below one:
iii. Double
cilck on the file or write click and select open with OLE DB Core services. It will
open the wizard for creating the connection string.
iv. Select the provider for your connection. For this
example, we are using “Microsoft OLE DB provider for SQL Server”
v. Go to Connection Tab and give the name of the source
server, database name and security credential details:
vi. Click on Test Connection to verify whether connection is
establishing or not:
vii. Once Test connections succeeded, and then click ok. Now
open the .UDL file with notepad and see the connection string:
viii. Below is the created connection string:
Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=BI_Reporting;Data Source=IND-SQL-01\SQL2012
3. Conclusion
By using above steps,
we can create connection string.
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