Monday, June 14, 2021

Power BI - How to pull the data from Web

1)     Objective

The objective of this article is to provide an easiest way of pulling the data from web that can be utilize as data source for reporting. In this article, we will show you how to pull the data from for Cricketing stats e.g. Most double hundreds in a career in test cricket.

 2)     Pre-requisites

a.  Power BI Designer should be installed in your machine

b.  Website where you have access or any publicly access website

c. For this article, we are taking espncricinfo stat page for most double hundreds in a career in test cricket.


 3)     Steps to pull the data from web

a.  Open the Power BI Designer

b.  Click on Get dataè Web 


c.  It will ask for the URL from where we need to pull the data


d.  It will establish the connection with web page      

e.  Then Navigator window will ask for which information need to pull from web page. In this example, choose Most double hundreds in a career in test cricket. You can also see the data preview. Click on Transform


f.  Here you can see first row is showing column Name. Rename the Column manually with first row of column.



g.  Now we will remove the first row. To remove the first row, click on Remove Rowè Remove First Row. It will remove first row. Click on Apply & Close


h.  It will load the data into Power BI Model.


i.   Now you can see newly created table in Power BI Model.

j.   We can utilize this table for Report development.

4)     Conclusion

By using above steps, we are able to pull the data from publicly access website (www).

1 comment:

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